
Six Basic Steps to Fasting & Praying

prayer Dec 10, 2020

I am that stern mother that gave her kids “the look” when they started to behave unruly when we were in Target and they immediately started to behave. Or perhaps about the silence that occurred when the supervisor entered the room and the “climate” went from warm to ice cold. Although the presence of one in authority may change things; however, there are instances that require MORE  ~ FASTING AND PRAYING.

Oftentimes I can go through my day and exhibit a normal level of control in my family, relationship, job, and ministry, etc. It seems like all is good and then it happens. A monkey wrench hits me out of nowhere. I can’t handle this situation, why can’t I cast out this “demon” and I’m wondering why my usual methods aren’t working for a breakthrough. 

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

That’s when Mark 9:28-29 has become REAL in my life. 

And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

Well, friends, I have great news! The reason why your usual methods of handling your problems aren’t working is it requires more than simple prayer we say over our meals or when we spring out of bed and say, “Thank you God for allowing to see another day” and hurriedly prepare ourselves for the usual or the “normal” day to day routine. 

 God reminded me of when I was facing injustices at work that I needed to fast and pray for a miraculous breakthrough.  Fasting requires a deeper level of sacrifice and humility to turn away the “normal” and seek God with your whole heart and detox your flesh in order to hear from God.  

I heard the Holy Spirit speak in a quiet still small voice, “You need to reach for me as you reach for your cup of coffee.

”Friend, what or who are you reaching for to bring  you out of the mess you’re in?




Why are you fasting? What are you expecting from the Lord? Is it for spiritual growth, for guidance or a breakthrough of a problem.  As the Holy Spirit for clarity and leading so your fast so you can pray for strategically.


Decide on a timeline will you begin and end your fast. Know in advance to put your focus on PRAYING and removing areas of distraction. The abstinence that comes with fasting empowers our spiritual sensitivity. This allows us to tap into the spiritual realm enabling us to remove focus on what is happening in the natural.


Fasting teaches us to feed on God’s Word. When we position ourselves in a place of humility and surrender, the Holy Spirit will transform us more into the image of Christ and perfect areas in our lives that are cluttered and need to be cleansed. What scriptures and passages will you plan to meditate on during this time that reflect the love, faithfulness, joy and peace of Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal sin in your life. Are you harboring any unforgiveness?


Don’t rush into fasting without consent from your doctor and/or be cautious of any health issues. You can expect some physical discomfort, but try to maintain the course and be encouraged.  


Be sure you are setting aside time to spend time alone with the Lord. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Pray, but be sure that you take time to listen.


If you sincerely humble yourself and pray and seek God’s face; meditate on His Word, you will experience a heightened awareness of God’s presence. The Lord will give you a new perspective unlike before.  Your confidence and faith will be increased. You will be refreshed spiritually, physically, and mentally.

A single fast should not  be a fix all and once a year event, but one that is a discipline in our lifestyle. Yes, it takes time to build Fasting muscles, but it can be done.  God will honor your faithfulness to come before His presence and seek him.

For the past seven years, a group of us Kick Start the New Year with a FAST! And 2021 will be no different. I look forward to this time of community, prayer, and faith-building! I’ll be sharing more on Fasting & Praying in the RefresHER Renewed Mind Facebook Group in January! Join us, we’d love to have you as part of our community!

If you have questions, feel alone and overwhelmed with life, or maybe you need an accountability partner, let’s hop on a call and discuss how you can experience life-changing breakthroughs through this discipline of fasting and praying.

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