How to Love Your Husband Like Jesus Loves Him
Apr 20, 2021
Are you seeking motivation and inspiration on how to love your husband like Jesus? Jesus provided the best example of how to love our spouse. Loving our husbands are to be unconditional like Jesus loves us. It's not based on if her completes that "honey-to-do-list."
I’m blessed to have a Christian husband that not only loves God and serves him but also his country faithfully. And even more than that, he holds Ephesians 5:25 close to heart, “For husbands; this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her”
I'm blessed that it’s not just on Valentine’s Day that he is motivated and inspired to love me, but others as well. I hear remarks from wives about all the things that their husband is going "wrong", but how regularly are we checking motives when it comes to love?
The way Jesus loved during His time on earth and the way He shows love still today are great examples to follow. Jesus loves your husband unconditionally, and as his wife, you should strive to do the same.
The most relationship you will ever have in your life is with Jesus Christ, and how you build that intimate relationship will help guide you in your relationships with others.
Your husband should be number two at all times.
Here are the lessons we can learn from Jesus about how to love our husbands fully.
You may have heard God First, Family Second, and Career Third. This means that your husband is second to God. One habit that couples fall into temptation doing is putting themselves before their spouse should not happen. When couples fall prey to this pattern, they put their marriage in jeopardy and is disregarding the vows they made to each other. Jesus never put himself first. He showed love to others and ultimately made an enormous sacrifice that was painful, but He showed true love.
Jesus loves your husband first. So you need to do the same.
You took the vow of ‘until death do us part’
When you promised your husband the vows you made on your wedding day, you should have been going into it understanding promises the way Jesus does.
Hebrews 13:5 says, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Jesus made this promise, and many others, in the Bible that He has never gone back on them. Jesus made a promise to your husband, and he will keep it.
Will you keep your promise to your husband?
I can remember early in our marriage and new to the military. It was stressful being a new Airman and at our first base. Only Jesus helped us through that maze. I didn’t use wisdom and created more friction between us. I’m glad that I have learned that when I am feeling broken, sad, and hurt, I can find comfort in Jesus Christ.
The Bible says in Psalms 147:3, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” So if my husband is going through a tough time, I fast and pray, and seek God to intervene. Men tend to respond to hurt with pain and anger, but even then, Jesus is showing Him kindness and gentleness. When your husband is going through problems, acting unlovable, or feeling completely broken, remember to respond to his hurt with kindness. You may not be able to fix the situation, but you can provide a listening ear.
I realize it can be difficult when you're not in a healthy and happy marriage; however, you should want your husbands to live to his fullest potential. Point out your husbands' strengths and build him up encouraging him to follow his dreams
Jesus encourages us to work our hardest to become the best version of ourselves. He wants to see us grow because He loves us.
We are not perfect, and neither is our spouse. Jesus is willing to love him despite his flaws. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Even when your husband is at his absolute worst and the furthest from the faith, Jesus is showing Him, unconditional love.
As a wife, are you doing the same? When your husband is annoying you, acting inconsiderate, clearly in the wrong or being unlovable, are you still showing him that you are there 100 percent? It is much easier said than done, especially when your emotions are running high.
However, it is something we must try and copy. We can renew our love for our husbands by connecting with God and asking for His guidance. God can fill us up again and remind us exactly why we are dedicated to our marriages, even when things are a hot mess.
First John 4:10-11 says: “This is the kind of love we are talking about – not that we once upon a time loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God.
Friend, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other.”
We can learn so much from the Bible about how to love our husbands unconditionally, and like Jesus does.
Let’s follow Jesus’ example and have strong, healthy marriages.
How can you show unconditional love to your husband today?
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