
Daily Mindset Renewal: Transforming Your Thoughts for a Renewed Life

prayer spiritual growth Jan 28, 2021
woman reading on her mobile

Have you ever noticed how often your phone dings or how the red circle next to your email continues to increase?

Those notifications can become overwhelming and hinder the ability to renew your mind. How can you renew your mind when daily distractions are taking priority in your life?  Renewing your mind daily is the key to overcoming the challenges of everyday life.  It must become a priority in life, just like going to work, scheduling appointments, and doing those activities that are most important to us.  

If we're not mentally fit we are exhausted and have zero energy ~ this is the same if we are not Spiritually Fit.

What Does it Mean to Renew Your Mind?

It means shedding the old outer covering and putting on the new. This place takes in the “spirit of your mind.” It requires faith, and faith is acting on the Word of God. You act on it just as you would sit down in a chair knowing you are not going to fall.

Your mental fitness and how quickly your recover from sabotaging thoughts and taking the thought captive to the word of God will keep your mind renewed. You are equipped to self-control and resist negative thoughts and assist positive thoughts by choosing a new thought. By doing this you allow yourself to know the perfect will of God.

I appeal to you, therefore, brothers,[a] by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.[b] 2 Do not be conformed to this world,[c] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12: 1,2 ESV

What is the Spirit of the Mind?

The “spirit of the mind’ is often referred to as “the inner man”, the very deepest part of who we are and what determines the way we think and what we do.  This very deepest part of who we really are must be renewed. 

True repentance and a change of heart are the essence of putting on the new mind of Christ.

When I began learning how to connect with the sage of my mind, the positive side of the mind where my true authentic self abides, my outlook on life began to change.

Paul has told us to not walk like the Gentiles, but we are to walk in a manner that is fitting. What does that mean? “Fitting” 

As a woman in ministry, there have been times that because I’m a female my actions or behavior was not “fitting” in someone else’s opinion. But they didn’t know my heart, or how the spirit of God was directing me.  I am grateful that my intimate relationship with God kept my mind renewed allowing me to walk with boldness and confidence.   The opinions of others can create negative thoughts that can prevent you from learning valuable lessons to propel you forward in all areas of your life.

Why is it Important to Renew Your Mind?

We are encouraged to renew our minds so that we are aligned with the goodness and optimism that God has for our lives. 

Renewing your mind is a crucial part of your Christian walk – one that you must be diligent in doing on a daily basis.

The benefits that occur in your life are amazing. You’ll experience unspeakable joy and peace in your life.


Actionable Steps to Renewing Your Mind

You must take action if you want to experience a change in your life. You can self-command your every thought and take it captive to the word of God. I soon discovered that if I wanted to improve my situation and restore faith, hope, and love in my life I can get started with actionable steps.

1. Keep a Positive Mindset with Scripture Memory

In the book Switch on Your Brain” Dr. Caroline Leaf reminds us that our thoughts keep our minds busy but not in a positive way. Before we know it, our minds can take us down a bunny trail and we spiral out of control. These negative thoughts steal mental space in your head and impact our thought lives on our brains, bodies, and lifestyles.

Our thoughts should focus on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8 NIV

When you become more aware of your thoughts, you have the authority to self-command a new and positive thought.  I didn't want to allow destructive thinking to consume my thought life.     

That’s one of the reasons I began memorizing using declarations and confession scripture praying.

I have a Bible that my children gave me, but it’s not always with me. When I’m washing the dishes, driving to the store, or doing other homemaking duties I do not have the time to sit and read my Bible, but I can have hidden God’s Word in my heart. 

Just one verse a week can make an amazing difference in your life. I began by writing a verse down on a notecard and pasting it, but you can find some scripture cards in my free resources.

When I sense my thoughts wondering and I’m in need of some mental direction, I have a few scriptures already packed away in my memory to pull from. And every time I bring these scriptures to mind God’s truth fights away any negative thoughts trying to get me off track.

2. ​Take Time Off From Social Media

You may need to give yourself a break from the internet. Do you need to know what the Kardashians are wearing, what Jane had for breakfast, or who won the lottery? We lose a lot of time browsing our “feeds” on social media. “Junk in Junk Out” is what my Mom says.

All of us have emails and work to do, but schedule in some NO INTERNET TIME will free your mind from being filled with meaningless information and give you more time to focus on what matters most.

​3. Study Your Bible

This is different from a daily devotional or Daily Quiet Time, but a time where you are digging deeper into the Bible and learning how to apply it to your life. One method I enjoy using is the S.O. A. P. Bible Study Method. The great thing is that you can do this alone or with a group. 

Take the time to Observe what the Scripture is saying; Ask the Holy Spirit how to Apply it and then spend time Praying. I suggest studying a topic or an area where you are struggling. When you renew your mind with God’s word you don’t have time to listen to the lies of the enemy

​4. Pray

Renew your mind daily through prayer.

I’ve spent too many hours in prayer simply talking but didn’t take the time to listen. If we want to change and renew our minds, we need to hear from God. His words are powerful! I encourage you to make sure every time you pray to God learn how to be still and listen to what He is saying. God will renew your mind.

5. Be Transformed by a Washing of the Word 

Renewing our minds with scripture is an important and necessary condition for God’s will to be done in our life. We are then equipped to live the life God has purposed for us to live.

When our minds are renewed, this transforms us out of harmful patterns and into a life that glorifies our God.

When we study the word of God we Renew our minds and they become Revived, Reset, Regenerated, and Restored.

Are you tired of complaining and not walking in your purpose? Are you ready to RENEW your mind by the washing of the word of God?

Don’t forget to download resources to encourage you in your walk with Christ.

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