
Embracing Spiritual Growth: Lessons from Planks and God's Plan

warrior women series Nov 16, 2023
warrior woman praying

God's Warrior Woman ~ Torrie's Story

Hey there, lovely friends! 

Have you ever thought about the unexpected parallels between a fitness plank and our roles as foundations for others? This question ignited a transformation that God continues to use in my life.

Even as I build using the stories of Nehemiah's leadership and Esther's bravery, God made it simple, easy, and spoke to me as a Father to a child. Jesus gave me a parable, and I invite you into how both
planks and our steadfastness shape not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.

So, picture this: I'm tuned into The Good Life Project podcast, hosted by Johnathan Fields.

And then, Yvonne's story hits me like a ton of bricks, not in a gut-wrenching way, but in a heart-penetrating way.

It's like a lightbulb moment – all those areas where I'm still struggling to fully hand over to God suddenly shine a bit brighter.

Now, Yvonne, this incredible woman I've never met, is in a Navy Seals boot camp. Yep, the real deal. And as I listen, I realize something jaw-dropping.

She and I both had this stubborn streak, resisting the help we so desperately needed. Like, seriously, what are the odds that I'm wrestling with the same thing as someone going through intense training?

God was using Yvonne's story to hold up a mirror to my heart. I had to face the fact that my resistance was holding me back – from my ministry, from growth, from God's excellent plans.

Pride, anger, fear...all those emotions had nestled themselves into the corners of my mind. Who knew?

And here's where the planks come in. The Navy Seals have this incredible approach – no one's left behind. Imagine if we all took that to heart in God's army?

Yvonne shared how they were doing a brutal plank exercise at the end of their training. You know, the kind that makes your muscles scream. As Yvonne's arms were giving out, two of her teammates eased closer, ready to help.

But get this – it took her a full five minutes to accept their help. Five minutes! Can you believe it? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

How many times had I resisted help when it was right there, right underneath me, ready to lift me up?

I couldn't deny it. I'd done the same thing. And at that moment, a whispered voice reminded me that I had much growing to do.

So, here I am, confessing my stubbornness to the air, realizing it's time to let go.

My journey towards a renewed spirit, towards leaning on others and embracing wisdom instead of stubbornness, had begun. Pride, perfectionism, and even a touch of greed – I needed to let go of it all.

When you see things through His lens, your vision expands.

Asking for help wasn't about admitting defeat but collaboration, communication, and compassion. And guess what? As I started to see things through His lens, my vision expanded.

Remember, friends, God's refining process is like the one mentioned in 1 Peter 1:7 – "These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold." 

We are never alone in this journey, physically or spiritually. Isaiah 41:10: "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

So, dear friends, let's reflect together.

What's your "plank"? Where are you resisting the helping hand, guidance, and growth God offers?

Let's embrace those three C's – collaboration, communication, and compassion.

Together, we'll thrive in His plan.

Will you join me in prayer? 

Heavenly Father,

In the moments of our greatest need, we humbly come before you, seeking the comforting presence of your Holy Spirit. Just as you promised, you are our ever-present help in times of trouble. Your Spirit is our guide, our comforter, and our healer.

Lord, we invite your Holy Spirit to envelop us in times of confusion, pain, and uncertainty. Like a gentle breeze, may your Spirit bring clarity to our minds and calmness to our hearts. Let your presence be a soothing balm that mends our wounded spirits.

In our brokenness, we recognize that true healing starts from the inside out. Your Spirit penetrates the depths of our being, mending the unseen wounds. As we seek you, we ask for your healing touch to renew our strength, restore our hope, and revitalize our faith.

Just as a river of living water flows from within, may your Holy Spirit flow through us, washing away bitterness, doubt, and fear. Empower us to embrace forgiveness, faith, and love, allowing Your Spirit to transform us into vessels of Your grace and mercy.

As we open our hearts to Your Spirit, let the healing power of Your presence mend the brokenness we carry. May our lives radiate the wholeness that can only come from being in your embrace.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your promise that when we seek you, we find you, and when we call upon you, you answer. May your Holy Spirit guide, comfort, and heal us from the inside out.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer, and Healer.


The Warrior Woman Workbook

Make sure you check back next week for another Warrior Woman!

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As the founder and owner of Our Given Purpose®, Torrie has embarked on an incredible journey. She not only leads with purpose but also hosts "A Daily Purpose Bible Study & Devotional," takes listeners through a transformative one-year Bible journey, enriched by the contributions of 20 talented writers.

In addition to her impactful media work, Torrie embraces various roles in her life. She is a devoted wife, a nurturing mother, a published author, and the visionary behind the I Pray Women's Conference. However, above all these accomplishments, Torrie remains a passionate woman relentlessly pursuing Jesus and His teachings.

Join Torrie on her inspiring journey as she combines her love for God with her gifts and talents, touching the lives of countless individuals along the way. Through her dedication and commitment, she embodies the transformative power of faith and the extraordinary impact one person can make when they wholeheartedly chase after Jesus.

You can connect with Torrie at her website, Our Given Purpose, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Mp3 What's Your Plank?  By Torrie Slaughter (Audio)

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