If I told you that you could reduce your anxiety and stress level, improve your relationships and performance, and experience greater happiness in your life with only 2-minute practices, 3 times a day, would you want to know more?
7 weeks to go from Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery
Increase your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and become a stronger leader learning to respond to life's challenges with a renewed mind, quieting your inner critic, increasing positive relationships, and creating more calm, ease, and joy in your life.
Our breakthrough, research-based tools strenghthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you. You handle life's challenges with a more positive mindset and less stress.

Have you ever...?
- Suffered from Anxiety?
- Judged yourself or others?
- Tried to control people or situations?
- Avoided a conversation that needed to happen?
- Or said "YES" when you wanted to say "NO"?
Then you NEED this program!
We all have them.
There are self-sabotaging functions of your mind ALWAYS at work.
They trigger negative emotions in your brain like "fight" or "flight".
All of that STRESS that makes us feel ANXIOUS, exhausted, and overwhelmed...
Are triggered by the "saboteurs" at work in our brain. When we experience positive emotions like love, joy, empathy, and compassion, we are in our "sage brain" ~ our true self. The AMAZING news is that we can learn to strengthen our sage powers to override the saboteurs.

Hi, I'm LaVonda!
I’m a PQ Coach and founder of JOYFUL JOURNEY.
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know how profoundly I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety. I’ve been in therapy, 12-step programs, read numerous self-books, and most important, The Bible. All of those things have given me tools to help manage my emotions and I finally discovered FREEDOM!
But this PQ thing and the operating system behind it made an impact in my life.
Positive Intelligence training gives me:
✔️ Short, easy exercises to tune deeply into the present moment (like 2 minutes or less – no hour-long meditations)
✔️ Awareness of my thoughts and where they are coming from
✔️ Tools to activate my inner wisdom and override negative emotions
✔️ Reminders (through the app) to practice these tools throughout the day

If you're not physically fit, you'd feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.
If you're not mentally fit, you'd feel mental stress such, as anxiety, frustration, and unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.
80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.
The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness within 7 weeks of practice.
The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear and happier (JOYFUL) mind.

Here's how it works
ENROLL TODAY and receive the entire PQ Program at a 65% discount FOR EVERYTHING!
Why? Because I want this work to reach AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE at a time when we need it most.
- Learn more about the 10 saboteurs and take the free Saboteur Assessment at www.positiveintelligence.com/assessment.
- Check out the details of the course at www.positiveintelligence.com/program but DON’T BUY IT THERE contact me for Special Pricing!
- If you have any questions after you’ve read this, contact me.
Here's what happens after you enroll

Every Saturday you’ll get a 1-hour video lesson delivered to your inbox.
Watch it between Friday and Monday to prepare for the coming week’s exercises. The course is taught by Shirzad Chamine, the founder of Positive Intelligence.

You’ll be assigned to a “pod” of 3-5 participants every Saturday you’ll get a 1-hour video lesson delivered to your inbox...
Your pod will find a time during the week to meet for 30 minutes to discuss your PQ practice.

Tuesday-Friday you will have four 2-minute app-guided practices throughout the day...
Along with reflections and PQ reps; this amounts to about 15 minutes total daily practice.

You will be added to our own private community group for the program...
We'll share our progress, insights, and "aha" moments to support each other’s growth and learning.
"Why should I do this?"
I'm so glad you asked!
If you are human, chances are you can identify with at least one of the following behaviors:

And maybe you think “It’s just the way I am” and you resign yourself to the stress, overwhelm, worry, and other negative emotions that result.
Trust me, it doesn’t have to be that way. If I can re-wire my brain, I’m pretty sure anyone can!
This course will help you download a simple operating system into your brain that will improve the way you handle stress, relationships, health and fitness, you name it – there are infinite applications.
I’m so busy - what’s the time commitment?
I know you coach women. Is this open to men too?
When do I have to decide by?
But my budget is "tight" right now.

This Program is for you if...
This Program is NOT for you if:
You are so zenfully blissed out all the time that nothing ever bothers you.
You think you’ve done enough inner work and aren’t willing to renew your mind.
You have zero access to your emotions and prefer to not change.
You are not open to watching videos by a guy named Shrizad.

The next Positive Intelligence POD will begin on March 15, 2025.
You can change your life by renewing your mind for basically $2 a day over the next 7 weeks.(Payment Plans Available)
I look forward to seeing you inside the program!
Questions? Comments? Contact me!