On The Blog
This Article first appeared at Brainz Magazine
“ So is my word that goes from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. “ Isaiah 55:11
I was a special education teacher prior to moving to overseas. I have learned that...
As a young lady of twenty-one on a sunny Easter morning, I was in our Church pulpit delivering my Easter poem when the anointing and presence of God fell upon me. The amens and praise God rang throughout the church.
This was the beginning of something that had been placed deep within me: a passion ...
Is it possible to feel alone in a relationship? For me, the answer was yes. I didn’t know myself because my identity was not in Christ. I longed for connection to worldly things and to become a successful wife, mother, and woman. The warped idea of success was the area God worked His miraculous heal...
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