On The Blog
How do you begin building Your Prayer Life? You must acknowledge that without Christ you can't do anything. Christ himself knew the value of praying and took the time to "slip away" to the wilderness to pray.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we can use to overcome all obstacles in our life....
This Article first appeared at Brainz Magazine
“ So is my word that goes from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. “ Isaiah 55:11
I was a special education teacher prior to moving to overseas. I have learned that...
Which of us can say with Paul, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:11)?
I have been on a journey seeking what this means and how this looks. The Lord has taught me much, but I have definitely not mastered it, as Paul seems to have done. How about you?
Have you ever struggled with what to pray or how to pray? Did you know God speaks to us when we are praying the word of God. Praying scripture is the source of communication between you and God. It is a way for you to share what is on your heart and seek direction for life. God's word which is ins...
Have you ever noticed how often your phone dings or how the red circle next to your email continues to increase?
Those notifications can become overwhelming and hinder the ability to renew your mind. How can you renew your mind when daily distractions are taking priority in your life? Renewing yo...
I’ve been that woman with the lump in the back of my throat and wondering if I’m good enough to lead this project. How will others see me? This is a huge task, and you wonder, “What if I fail?”
Or maybe, you’ve always wanted to lead a Bible Study or the Women’s Ministry at your church. You are good...
I am that stern mother that gave her kids “the look” when they started to behave unruly when we were in Target and they immediately started to behave. Or perhaps about the silence that occurred when the supervisor entered the room and the “climate” went from warm to ice cold. Although the presence o...
Have you considered journaling as a method of writing affirmations? I enjoy journaling and writing affirmations from the Bible have always been a way to encourage and equip myself in the Word of God.
I recently received a Personalize Journal from Christian Journals Direct and I was so excited to se...
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